Thanks ESikon smile

Hey Susan. That sounds great, but i'm up in Queensland. It's a fair journey unfortunately. About a 1.5-2 hr flight. Please keep me updated if you can on how you go though. I'm unsure how these walk's work. It's something i'll look into. Hopefully her's will be a success !

Good luck smile

While I'm here, here's a quick update on my attempt to raise awareness. I haven't heard from anyone else yet. I'll be writing up a report/article to put up on an ABC website soon. I'll post the link on here once it's published.

Next time I get some time off work, i'll send some more letters to tv stations in the mail. Maybe i'll have a better chance of someone picking it up. Maybe the photos will get there attention.


21 @ diagnosis. Tongue cancer(SCC) non smoker,HPV negative. 11 hour Surgery (30+ glands removed-left side neck dissection, 'jaw split' for 'access'-left side tongue dissection, graft & artery from left thigh for re-construction of tongue.44 rad t'ments.4x peg.Clear PET scan 12/5/2011!