Hi Dave

Sorry I didn�t read your thread earlier. You are doing great work trying to get the word out about oral cancer.

I�m in regular contact with the Cancer Council and Peter McCallum Cancer Centre in Victoria helping to improve services and assist with projects for Head and Neck cancer patients. Not only awareness, but also assistance and aftercare for oral Cancer survivors in Victoria is incredibly low . Several other cancer survivors I know have been writing to various groups including the Minister for Health + Local and Federal Members of Parliament for assistance.

There was a young man on �X Factor� a couple of years back - his name is Karl Dimachki. I�m not 100% sure, but I think he was from QLD also. He had tongue cancer and was trying to get the word out. I had a quick look, he is on Face Book. It might be worth teaming up with Karl as he might have some contacts he could share with you.

If there is anything I can do from here, please send me a PM.

Good luck!

46 yrs:
Apr 07-SCC 80% entire tongue removed,T4N1M0
Neck/D,Jaw Split, Trache 2 ops,PEG 3.5yrs
30 x rad,6 x Cisplatin,
30 x HBO
Apr'08- flap Recon + ORN Mandibulectomy
(hip bone to reconstruct jaw)
Oct'08 1 Plate out-jaw
Mar'09 Debulk flap
Sep'09/Jan&Nov'10/Feb&Jun'11/Jan&Jul'12/Oct'13/April'14-More surgery