Thanks so much everyone for the prompt replies! I really appreciate the advice, and am doing my best not to get myself worked up.

Eric: Humor is always appreciated smile As of now, I don't have anything (I think) to biopsy--no lesions or bumps or lumps--I will check though, and also ask for a CT scan.

Cheryl: Thanks for your reassuring words. It's been difficult for me to deal with the HPV issue, in part because I didn't drink, smoke, or do much of anything for the longest time, and I look back with a lot of regret. But God knows I need to stop dwelling and look forward...

Figuringitout: One of the ENTs did ask me about both reflux and allergies. I don't think either is the case, but you're right--I have poked at my lymph nodes a bit.

I just called the Lombardi CCC at Georgetown and made an appointment for next Tuesday with a doctor who specializes in head and neck oncology, but the nurse called me back and said she'd made me an earlier appointment with a different doctor in the same office because that was the more appropriate doctor for me to see. I just looked up the new doctor, however, and I see that she specializes in voice and swallowing disorders and not head and neck oncology/surgery. Am thinking I should try to change my appointment back(?)...

Also, if there's anyone on here who could answer my HPV specific questions, I'd really appreciate it. The research I've tried to do on the Internet just seems to muddle things even more.

Thanks again everyone!