I didn`t ask to be struck with this, but, why not me..........I don`t consider myself better than anyone else nor do I consider myself less. If haden`t been struck with it, then that means someone else would have, and I wouldn`t wish that on my worst enemy. It`s nice that you want to help people, I like helping others to, but I want to be truthful about it too. I was diagnosed with oral cancer ibn 1998, went through the heaviest radiation twice a day for 6 weeks, in the past yr. 2 surgerys. They took my whole lower jaw, my entire tongue, my voice box and lymph nodes, and I`m not sure what else. I haven`t had food in a year. I was a big eater, but at one point was down to 118 lbs, now I`m back to 150 lbs,,,,,I have huge lilac bushes and beautiful roses, none of which I can smell;Hell, I can`t even blow my nose, I have to suction it out..........As far as being a hero, I never thought of myself as a hero, just someone who faced it head on.....I absolutely refuse to become my disease, or let it run my life..........I live my life everyday as i want to, and do the things I want to do. I don`t plan my life around my disease. I know I have cancer and I do what I have to do to deal with it. I don`t pity myself, I do, however, pity and feel sorry for those who pity themselves, for they have become their disease. They can`t enjoy life, and that`s what I call sad..........I still shovel snow and walk my dog. I don`t drive or eat, but I can live without either. I still enjoy a fulfilling sex life.......Life is what we make it..............Packer [email protected]