Dear Liza,

I saw on Facebook that you were in hospital but had no idea that your situation had changed so dramatically. You are such a lovely, caring person. When I first got OC I was told I was pretty much hit by a sniper's bullet - that there was no rhyme or reason for it (apart perhaps for genetics). The more I see people like yourself suffer horrendously with this disease the more random it appears.

My prayers and thoughts are with you and I hope that the chemotherapy is able to work some magic so that you can proceed with the radiation.

I am still reeling at this news.

Love to you and your family.

Sue G

55 y/o
SCC LL Tongue 3/27/07
Part. mandibulectomy 9/2/07
Left ND 5/12/08
Rec LL Tongue 07/09
Part gloss 8/5 & 8/25
Surg 10/28/09 re mets to R neck & L jaw
RT & Chemo finished 12/22/09
PEG fitted 05/06/10
L buccal SCC 10/10
freeflap (forearm)surgery 2/28/11 L buccal and gingiva