Hello Everyone,
My name is Cindy and I had Squamous Cell Carcinoma in my mouth (well tonsil, tongue and lymph nodes) In the Spring of 2002. I went through months of Chemo and Radiation. That was the easy part,

Now I have trismus, and a trachestomy because now I have bi-lateral vocal choral paralysis. I have to sit in the oxygen chamber 2 hours a day for month because now I need to have a tooth extracted, just had 2 cavities filled and 2 root canals, now i need crowns, and of course insurance does not cover that.

I have extreme dry mouth still and take a couple different meds for it. Eating is hard as I cannow open wide enough to chew and I have problems swallowing.

But I beat the cancer!


SCC Stage 2 - April 2002
Of Tongue, Tonsil, Lymph Node
Surgery, Radiation, Chemothearpy
Trach Tube - Feb 2008
Difficulty Swallowing and really bad dry mouth
Married With 2 Fur Babies Simba & Shadow
Happy to be surviving!