For our 1st round with this cancer the recommendation was no chemo/rad as they got clear margins and only one lymph node was involved, said they could tell the cancer had not left the node. Cancer Bd. said odds were in our favor that it was totally gone.

11 months later Emmett started having issues and it took 4 months to get D as a reoccurance. The 4 months of the tumor(s) growning was the problem in my opinion. So bottom line the only thing we would have done differently was to be more aggresive with Drs. when we experienced symthoms of reoccurance. Since we didn't have the RD/Chemo the 1st time we could be more agressive with treatment this round. Then there are well meaning people who tell us if we had the treatment the 1st time it may never have come back. Bottom line is it a crap shot! Just have to make the most educated one you can and then pray for the best.

CG 2 Emmett,7/09 DX SCC rt tongue. T2N1M0, 1 node, marg neg.4/10 PET/CT clear, 9/10 C back. 10/10 Rad hemi, 2 tmrs mod diff. resec flr of mth. Flap 4 nodes/w/ext cap. 11/10 Peg, CX3 HD, 30 rad. 1/31 & 3/21 6/11/11 - PET/CT "activity" 9/11-all Clear. 12/11 peg out. 2/15 still all clear! 9/14 Prostate cancer treated with pencil beam proton therapy, best radiation experience. Keep it in mind as a treatment option for all tumors that can be seen including head and neck.