Getting a tube in is a tough one. I fought it all the way. I wanted to go as long as I could without it. Now I am little... In both the height and weight categories so I didn't have to lose much before I needed it in. I made it halfway through treatment which I don't think was too bad. Like everyone said you can get it put in but don't have to use it. That way if you keep eating my mouth you can get it out later when treatment is done and you are recovered more. And eat as many calories as you can now. That way you can loose some during treatment.

31 at dx 9/06
SCC T4N0M0 with bone invasion upper maxillary
Surgery 10/06
CT's clear for 2 years
2nd recurrence - Laser surgery 1/09 dx
Tumor board - No surgery to invasive for QOL
35 IMRT 3/30/09 Completed 5/15/09
8 tx Erbitux 3/24/09 Completed 5/6/09
HBO for ORN March & April 2010
Fibula flap 5/10