I'm sorry Kris, that more stress and pain has been inflicted upon you, as if you haven't been through enough already. Your idea about Match.com for cancer survivors is a good one (even if you were speaking facetiously) and I wonder if there's something like that on the Web already.

I think cancer is an acid test for any marriage or relationship, and sadly, the caregiver is not always able to live up to it. I found that all the issues in our marriage came up in a big way, like a vase with cracks that widened, while Gordon was going through treatment. I don't know how, but we've both managed to hang in there. I wanted to leave many times, because it was all just too hard.

You will find someone else who can give you the love and consideration that you deserve. A spouse who cheats while the other is going through cancer treatment is just now worth having. He failed the "test", not you. Anne

Anne - CG to Gordon (59), non-smoker/non-drinker. SCC, BOT, HPV 16+, stage 3. Jan./10 - radical neck dissection to remove 48 lymph nodes, 1 node pos. Apr. 23/10 - finished 35 rad. and 3 cisplatin. Jul. 22/10 - PET scan clear.