Hi Nate, Keep going in the direction you are going. Drink lots of shakes and add those protein powders from GNC ( Nutrition stores) to what ever your drinking. I would make chocolate ice cream shakes with ensure instead of milk and add the protein powder too boot!!!

This is a great site with a lot of knowledgeable people. Keep asking they will answer. M, myself and everyone else are here for your. You have come to the best source.

01 SCC LBOT 42YO-part gloss 5 mo rad
03 recur RSCC gloss & R Jaw removed
05 recur LSCC
07 recur RSCC recon R jaw fm left fib
09 recur LSCC gloss & LL jaw. recon fm rt fib
7/10 inoperable.TrachPEG-carbo/taxol
11/11/10 ca back begin erbitux
12/11/10 passed away in sleep - at peace at last!! XOXO