Because I have not had, nor do I know anyone that has had cancer spreading in their body, I cannot help you with an answer to your question. I am posting because I want to touch on something you ended you post with. I think the main reason you wrote is because you are afraid of losing your husband. You know in your heart that it is a very real possibility and you are looking for people who have overcome a situation similar to his. Well, from being around this site and many others, I can tell you that he is right. Other people do have it worse than he does, and they are still here to tell you their stories.
No one can predict with 100% accuracy what your husbands outcome will be 1,2, or 10 years from now. But, I want to ask you this. When you met your husband, fell in love with this wonderful man. When you married him, gave him two beautiful children, and said "For better or for worse", you meant every one of those things! If you look back on your lives together and you knew when you met him, before any of this happened, that he was going to fight this battle, I bet with 100% accuracy that you still would have given your heart to him, married him, and given him the same 2 beautiful children. All because you love him. Whatever battle he has to fight, you will be by his side, helping him make decisions and reassuring him that he is making the right ones. You sound like an excellent wife and caregiver and whatever life brings, you will deal with it and he will know you loved him!! No matter what!