Your posts here make me feel so much better. I know that you have been through this same thing, and have seen how devastating it can be first hand. I have taken Family Medical Leave from my job and am at home now full time with my husband, Hubert. It is unpaid leave, and we will struggle financially for the next couple of months, but it is nothing that I cannot handle. Hubert continues to be in pain regardless of the amount or type of pain meds they have him taking. His eye is swollen nearly shut. He cannot hear or see from the right side at all. He is sleepy all the time from the meds, and is still taking his tube feedings. We are though, enjoying our time together. I am happy that I can be the one to help care for him at this time. I don't know how much longer we will have, but for whatever it is, I will be thankful. Smiles... Tammara