Dianne- I just read your reply-Do you live in Rochester? I am up here taking care of my dad he is West Irondequoit. I live in Mississippi but grew up in West irondequoit. We have a good schedule worked out between my sister and my aunt in Boston my dad will never be alone. He is also doing Cisplatin 2x a wk every 3 weeks. He hasn't had a peg but failed the swallow test and now very worried about lung aspirations. Anyhow- i am spending lots of time up here.

Caregiver to Dad. 8/09 Stg 3 SCC of buccal mucosa.
T2N1M0 extracap spread
Surgery/RX complete 12/09
Reoccurrence 4/10 Stage 4 Mets to bilateral nodes & base of skull
40 rx & 2 rounds cisplatin
Hospice 7/29/10 .....died holding my hand 8/4/10
No smoke/No smokeless tobacco