Thank you all for imput sand advice, He is on percosset and Xanex also decadron to reduce swelling. But this barely takes the edge off. He hates that it makes him doped up and by his own doing doesn't take what is actually allowed wants to be in control and he is losing control if that makes sense. They switched to LORTAB yesterday. David they radiating the large tumor that is wrapped around the carotid artery, the 3 nodes on the neck and below sternum. Said it is a shot to get him more comforatable. Meanwhile his voice is disappearing-I am worried that he won't be able to communicate esp with brain involved- and now speech I've had other family members die from cancer but never seen an end like this-F%^&$&* horrible. That's why i would like him to do hospice -we did it for my mom and she went peacefully surrounding by loved ones.

Caregiver to Dad. 8/09 Stg 3 SCC of buccal mucosa.
T2N1M0 extracap spread
Surgery/RX complete 12/09
Reoccurrence 4/10 Stage 4 Mets to bilateral nodes & base of skull
40 rx & 2 rounds cisplatin
Hospice 7/29/10 .....died holding my hand 8/4/10
No smoke/No smokeless tobacco