
Keep in mind that radiation and chemo do all kinds of strange things to the tissues in your mouth. Also, from what I've heard, cancer does not grow that quickly, I may be wrong.

More likely then not you�re having a swelling issue. Having said that I think it's very important that you have brought this to the doctor�s attention and will be having a look see pronto.

Your doing everything right, try not to panic, telling you not to be concerned is a worthless thought as I know every small change I detect concerns me.

Best of luck on Wed.


48, SCC (Soft Palet) Rt.,
Stage 1, T3n0m0,
Dx, 8-09, Start IMRT 35 9-2-09 end 10-21-09
04-20-10 NED
8-11 recurrence, node rt. neck N2b
10-11 33 IMRT w/chemo wkly
3-12-12 PET - residual cancer
4-12 5 treatments with Cyberknife & Erbitux
6-19-12 Pet scan CLEAR
12-3-12 PET - CLEAR