
I am a caregiver for my partner who was recently diagnosed Dec. 8th, with oral cancer who also didn't have insurance and became unemployed in Nov. One of the hospitals here provides financial assistance anywhere from full contract to a sliding scale, according to income, etc. The waiting period to see the financial rep was over a month but the Doctor, his staff, my insistence and unfortunately some resistance from the financial office she was able to get in within a week and was awarded a full contract (only $10 copay for ER). You need to be firm and persistent.

I also strongly recommend applying for SSI, Medicaid. Apply for Social Security Disability and SSI over the internet. PRINT off everything to have a copy, even if it means doing page by page. I made a copy of my copy, obtained any other information SSI needed, original documentation, obtained signatures, etc. and instead of waiting for an appointment, I went to the local SSI and gave them all the paperwork to get the ball rolling. Here in Florida Medicaid decisions are based on similar requirements for SSI. Have your sister apply for Food Stamps, also, if possible. The laws very by State.

Maybe you can assist your sister filling out the applications. Also you may inquire at the hospital regarding help in seeking assistance, caseworkers, social workers etc. or to point you in the right direction. Googling your sister's state, county and city may also help. There are people that used to work for SSI and Medicaid, know the ins and outs and will assist for a small ONE time fee if not for free. The red tape is ridiculous and adds one more tick to the stress meter.

Help is out there. Ask questions. Be firm. Research, research, research.

Similar to your BIL, my partner's left ear was bothering her, brushed it off, then she wasn't able to eat solid foods and has gone downhill since. It's been a whirlwind.

The taping thing is an excellent suggestion. Hmmmm, now to find a recorder.


CG/Carol 57;SCC Stage IV L Tonsil T4N2bM0 12/2009
Recur 7/2010 - 2cm mass Invasive SCC L Floor Lower Jaw
Surgery 8/10 - Trach,ND,p. mandibulectomy,pec flap
ypT4aN0 HG Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
2nd Recur 1/18/11 - Tumor lower left lip
Surgery 2/9/11 - Canceled - Inoperable
3/29/11 - Died