That is why I so love this web site! You can learn so much about the road to recovery and the questions you should be asking to your docs as you go down that path. Knowledge removes so much of the fear! Survivors need to focus on just surviving one day at a time. Caregivers can add the hope to that focus by doing the research and knowing the questions to ask along the way. Knowing long time survivors shows us all that we can live with the side effects! Beating the odds and those crazy statistics they love to through at us :-) - Kris

SCC Stage IV left tonsil neck disection 3/02 radiation finished 6/02 chemo finished 9/02
Stage 2A left breast cancer 3/09, chemo and radiation, finished treatment 2/7/10 -Stage 2 right beast cancer 10/14 chemo and radiation
Every day is still a gift :-)