Update 10/20

Life is interesting.
Learning more everyday.

All blood work is fine including thyroid levels.
He has been on thyroid medication for about a yr now.

Went to see the neurologist and had electromyography done for nerve damage to the brachial plexus. The Dr said he has seen this in patients who had radiation to the head and neck. We will get the official results on Nov 9th.

Had his regular 4 month checkup yesterday with his tonsil Dr.
Dr is very happy with the way his throat looks. Very pleased with how he is doing.
Did mention muscle atrophy as a possible diagnosis that the nuerologist may make.
Needless to say we were in total shock.
Muscle atrophy........... oh my.
He said it only about 1% of patients he sees has that radiation complaint after treatment.
I couldn't even think of any questions to ask, just sat there.
Anyway his tonsil Dr said to keep him updated on what the nuerologist says, Nov 9th, and to get a refferal to a very good sports injury therapist.
Guess till we find out exactly what is going on will just hang in there with a positive attitude.
He had no chemo, just the radiation.

caregiver to husband
right tonsil stage 3
35 IMRT TX completed 1/5/2007
PET Scan clear 3/07
biopsy 9/07 clear
1st yr PET scan 12/18/07 clear