Thank you for your response. It has helped a lot to give us strength to move ahead. I think our main complaint is our doctor hadn't prepared us. We are willing to put up with most anything to be cancer free,but to be mentally prepared would help. I can't go into detail here but simply we have had to ask for meds, blood tests, etc... when I would hope the doctor would do some possible preparation or thinking ahead. We are seeing another doctor tomorrow which we are very happy about. Right now, Jeff's blood count is really low. He just received a shot to help boost it and so I hope to see some improvement in the next couple of weeks. This was the first time I have seen him cry. It has been very hard..but thank you for reminding us why we are doing this.


Jeff age 49 DX 5/8/09 Tonsil cancer T2N2BMO. Tonsillectomy 5/14/09. TX: Cisplatin 3x's every 21 days w/ 33 Rad concurrent. 2-3 nodes on right neck affected. PEG 7/10/09. Chemo/rad start 6/12/9, TX finished 7/28/09. Extended TX
3 more chemo/Cisplatin/5FU/Docetaxil start 9/11, Clean PET 10/29/09.