Posted By: derek back at hospital again - 12-20-2007 12:46 PM
after getting the all clear on monday, woke up this morning, got up and brushed my teeth and checked the stitches that were dissolving nicely, then i spotted quite a big lump under my tongue where the biopsy was taken.

so i just headed back up to the hospital without an appointment to try and get this checked, had to wait 2 hours which was expected as they added me on to the clinic list for today.

seen the same girl that done the biopsy who had a good look and feel about and said she reckons it could be some sort of saliva gland poking up through that she may have disturbed ??

its like a clear kind of looking bump and quite tender to the touch, said she wasnt concerned and would book me in for a local anasthetic clinic to do something to it, but said it will be 2 months and not to worry about it ???


also told her about the dull the dull throat and neck pains ive been having recently and also the fact i have been feeling kind of light headed the last 2 days and again she wasnt concerned.

she has felt my neck and said theres no lumps or bumps and the biopsys of the white patches in my mouth came back benign.

she said it could be muscular in my neck and when i emphasised the light headedness she said i might be coming down with something like a bug ?

it is now 4 months since i took swallowing pain that promted the fear for me to go back to the hospital and ive realised that in all the visits to dentists, g.p and hospital not 1 person has had a look down my throat.

surely if there was something in my throat they are not going to feel it from palpating my neck.

im thinking now i know the white patches are not nasty i should chase this up and try and get a visit with an ENT to try and get to the bottom of this.

i think my mum and dad think im going crazy but i just want to get to the bottom of this and know whats happening in my throat/neck area.

thats 4 months down the line already and im slowly getting peeved off !!


Posted By: GaryG Re: back at hospital again - 12-20-2007 04:30 PM
Derek, It sux that they've not checked you out further. It took over 6 months of me complaining about a sore throat, 4 trips to GP and two to the ENT, before I woke up with a swollen lymph node under my jaw and me spitting up some blood...the ER Dr said I had a sinus infection. Three days later my GP sent me in for a CT scan...TADA there it was...the ENT couldn't believe he had missed it. Well the long and short of it is keep bugging them, make them look.
Hope all works out well.
Posted By: con Re: back at hospital again - 12-20-2007 05:43 PM
Derek- go to a good ENT and ask for another bio.
They can tell you within a week.
Don't fool around with it.

Posted By: brenfran25 Re: back at hospital again - 12-20-2007 07:02 PM
And in the meantime Derek, get a relaxation CD/Tape/whatever and try and just relax a bit and enjoy Christmas, just knowing you're over one hurdle!
Thinking of you,
Posted By: EzJim Re: back at hospital again - 12-20-2007 09:36 PM
Derek, the only think I can say is have it checked. good luck.
Posted By: derek Re: back at hospital again - 12-21-2007 07:54 AM
it has more or less dissapeared this morning !! which has made me feel much better, its only 2 weeks since the area was biopsied and a week since i got the all clear, the consultant didnt seem concerned at all.

but do yous think i should still go and see someone else even though its dissapearing ?

to me i think it looked as if their may have been a tiny hole where the stitches had been and the gland or whatever it was had popped through ( kind of like a frogs thraot when it puffs up ! ha ) as i said though got up this morning and its more or less away.

neck and throat pains seen to be away now to after 4 long months, maybe everythings starting to settle a bit as afew of the main hurdles have been tackled and dealt with.

still going to my g.p on the 27th and am going to follow up afew things, been very light headed for the last 2 days, but the more i think about it i think i may have something up in the ENT department, had a blocked sinus and clicky ear for months along with the throat and neck pains and thought that could maybe cause the light headedness.

anyhow , enough ranting from me, and enough self diagnosing as well because it can only make my mind more worried, its up to the doctors to tell me what ( if ) there is anything to worry about now, at least i know the white patches are not what i was worried they were, which is a big big relief.

time to relax and enjoy my 10 days with my daughter, it will be earned and will be brilliant.

i hope each and everyone of you have a nice christmas and things go o.k.

i will be remaining a member of this site regardless of how i get on, as ive spoke to so many nice people.

i will also be making a donation or buying some stuff from the site.

merry xmas and happy new year to all.

Posted By: brenfran25 Re: back at hospital again - 12-21-2007 04:53 PM
Och aye Derek and Auld Lang Syne to come!
Posted By: glenn tongue cancer survivor Re: back at hospital again - 12-21-2007 05:46 PM

I've had a similar experience. Several weeks ago, I had a small bump filled with clear fluid develop near an area of my tongue where I had a biopsi done. The bump developed approximately three weeks after the original biopsi that came back negative. After several days, the bump appeared to have gone away (pop). Approximately two weeks later, the same bump appeared, again with clear fluid. I scheduled an appointment with my ENT. He became concerned and did another biopsi. The biopsi came back negative again. while doing the biopsi, the ent noticed a saliva gland near the infected area. It appears that this is what you have also, a saliva gland that is reacting to a surgical site. Good luck, keep me posted Glenn
Posted By: Dr. Mike Re: back at hospital again - 12-21-2007 06:30 PM
Sorry for the toil you are going through. I am in your corner and have been including you in my prayers.
As for the fluid filled lump under your is, in my opinion, most likely a "mucocele". Any time surgery is performed in the mouth and normal or abnormal tissue cut there is a chance that a minor salivery gland gets cut. If the opening gets covered during healing with tissue a fluid filled "cyst like" sac of fluid appears. They can change in size, be painful or not. It is important to have it looked after as they do not go away on their own.
I'm glad to hear your are doing better.
If I can be of any help just let me know.

I hope you and your family have a great Christmas!!


Posted By: derek Re: back at hospital again - 12-21-2007 08:22 PM
hi ,

thanks glenn, sounds similar, and dr.mike i think you have got it spot on regarding your explination and description, sounds exactly like it.
at least i went straight back up and got it checked with absolutely no waiting about or messing around.
first bus up there in the morning and hung around with no appointment till i got it checked.
the hospital and staff have been very good with me.
today has been a good day for morale.
cyst has all but dissapeared, neck/ throat pains are still away, dizziness is away and mouth feeling better than it has since getting biopsy,
oh and best of all, my daughter is down, brilliant !!!!

thanks tpo everyone again, your help, insight and opinions are priceless and taken very seriously.


Posted By: Dr. Mike Re: back at hospital again - 12-21-2007 08:54 PM
Glad to be of service my friend. Enjoy your time with your daughter.

All the best.

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