Posted By: tristeve swallowing update - 03-04-2014 04:55 AM
Hi Folks,
Felt like giving an update on some good news. I am 4.5 years past tx. And I have had the new normal with some problems, specifically neck pain and difficulty is swallowing. Back in October I had my second bout of aspirated pneumonia. They did a swallowing test and found out that my larynx dos not close to my epiglottis very well. I Aspirated often, every meal, I thought it was normal. Well since about November 1, I have thickened my liquid I eat with a thickening agent, to a nectar consistency. I also am fairly religious about daily neck exercises. Well the good news is that after 4 months, things are very good. 95% fine. I still do aspirate a bit, but not like before. I am a tough grader and I am giving the method an "A". There are for sure some bad meals, but over all I am quite happy.

So for those of you who do have this problem, talk to your docs, I also went to a speech person. At one time I thought I would never eat normally again. And I don't know what the future holds, but right now, things are good and it is now safe to eat in-front of me with out getting a food shower! I do eat slow, but it sure is nice again.

Heck, I might even start to gain some weight.

I also think that one key to this recovery is to never give up.Yes, we do have challenges but being our own advocates and dedication does yield success...I hope.

Stay well and if you are back east stay warm!!!!!

Posted By: David2 Re: swallowing update - 03-04-2014 04:44 PM
Steve, congrats. That's a great story to read. I think that for 95% you should add a + to that A. And a commendation from the Principal.

Per your advice I got myself a tub of Simply Thick. It certainly works as you noted. Easy to use and stays in solution. My only beef with it is the taste, which I'm assuming comes from the xanthan gum that forms its base. Since I use it only in thin liquids, and pretty much only drink water and coffee and sometimes juice, I've found that for the former it helps to cut it with apple juice. But I imagine that in time, like most things, I'll become accustomed to it.

Keep up the great work!
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