Just wanted to touch base and thank everyone for their collective wisdom, shared experiences and shoulders to lean on since last year. I'm convinced this website and its people helped us get through it all!

Exactly one year ago my husband completed his 35th radiation treatment and subsequently had a clear PET/CT in October. He returns to the cancer center every six weeks for a check-up and can eat all but spicy/dry/chewy stuff with the help of a glass of milk. He's enjoying a nice day of golf today, but has to return soon as he's taking care of me the next few weeks - ruptured achille tendon requiring surgery to repair last weekend...not much to complain about in the grand scheme of things though!

Best wishes,


PS - The kids are doing well - the girl is afraid of my "owie" and hospital visits in general, the boy likes using my for target practice since I can't get out of the way.

Great news and tell him it will continue to get better. I was 16 months post Tx before I was finally satisfied with my taste and dry mouth. He just needs to be patient.
Great milestone Elaine!

Here's to many more

Wonderful news, Elaine!!! Always love to see positive stories!! Enjoy yourself, and good luck with your own surgery.

Great news Elaine!!!!!

Hope you heal quickly.

Awesome news.... congrats

Sorry to hear about your achilles tendon though. Hope you get well soon.

Nothing beats positive news. Congrats and many more years for you to post go with it.
Congratulations elaine.

Wonderful news Elaine!!
From one canuck to another...Great eh?
Great news. I know exactly how ya'll feel for I just went through the 1 year myself. BB smile
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