Posted By: angel and aaden Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-23-2014 12:13 AM
My last radiation was 12/23/13 and I am still getting continue mouth problems. The thing that bother me the most are getting these little pockets of salty mouth discharge (don't know where it's from). Find my self constantly having to spit and rinse to get it out and if I don't when it hit the gum or the tongue and if it sit there long enough it would cause all these sores/pain. Sometimes the inside of my lip of the side of mouth feels like its burning from the salty discharge. I tried the magic mouth wash but it only last so long and with the discharge, I would still have to rinse and spit. Anything I should try. Oh, can't rinse with salt and water that would make it worst.
Posted By: Doolittle Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-23-2014 01:54 AM
Hi em
I had similar discharge happening I found using a water pick with club soda warm or cold in it really helped, cleans your teeth and gums specially corners in the back, I actually still use it as it's easier than flossing daily and way quicker good luck it gets better......ken
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-23-2014 02:58 AM
Welcome to OCF! Recovery can be a very long road. It will take many weeks before you begin to get back to your old self.

Try using a waterpik on the lowest setting with a mixture of warm water and prescription mouthwash like peridex. Every day at least 4 times per day you should be rinsing your mouth with 16 oz warm water, 2 tsp baking soda and 2 tsp salt. This will help with both the ph balance and healing. I know you said you cant tolerate the salt so cut it back to 1/2 tsp. Push yourself to get some salt into the rinse so it is most beneficial.

Hang in there, it will get easier as time goes on. Until then, read both the posts on the forum and the main OCF pages and learn about your disease and the recovery phase. Your intake is still as important now as it was during treatments. Every single day for at least the next year you should be taking in a minimum of 2500 calories and 48+++ oz water. Those figures are the bare minimum, more is much better. Also drinking lots of water will help your mouth issues. Try to push yourself to take in 64 oz a day.

Good luck and dont be afraid to ask questions, we will help you get back on your feet.
Posted By: donfoo Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-23-2014 05:10 AM
Welcome to OCF! Lots of great tips and experience for you. You did not state exactly what is causing the soreness. If there are sores in your mouth then salt/warm water solution works really well. It may sting and be a bit painful but it does cleanup all the stuff that collects in the mouth. You can also try hydrogen peroxide mixed with water or if you feel comfortable use it fairly concentrated, swish around and spit. If you see any foamy spots do it again and it will clear out the bacteria.

If you see sores then you can ask for liquid lidocaine and use a qtip and put it directly on the sores. It will offer some pain relief but not clear up the underlying problem.

Good luck,
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-23-2014 05:35 PM
Hi! You are only a month out from treatment - what you are going through is VERY normal. Your saliva/ mucous will be unfriendly for a while... Then like a really bad friend it will abandon you all together.

People are under the illusion that when treatment ends all things will stop being bad... Not so - you actually get worse for the first few weeks following treatment. Then slowly (I'm talking - like a geriatric snail - slow) things will begin to improve. The waterpik idea is very good - you can use pretty much anything except for strong alcohol based mouthwash... To clean and freshen - clean is important to healing. Plus it will get rid of the guck. Your mouth will continue to be sore for a bit - anything can cause pain - teeth rubbing, acidic drinks (just my own saliva used to feel like acid hitting the back of my throat - creamy and bland are the best (assuming you are taking things by mouth). Spit spit spit... I carried a washcloth and a cup, I would spit... Rinse and spit again. A few more weeks you'll notice some improvement. If you are taking something by mouth - fluids? Ensure? Then take a pain med, let it kick in (usually 15-30 minutes) swish or drink the mouthwash ( not all are made the same some are swallowable - some not) then chug your nutrition.

Hugs and you will get through it.
Posted By: angel and aaden Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-23-2014 09:29 PM
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful tips. I will give it a try. As for feedings, I have the feeding tube and can't take anything by mouth yet. Tried swallowing water and juice but it's extremely painful. Tried to stay on top on the feeding and is on a schedule of every 2 hours. Dietician suggest Isosource and have been on it since day one. Would dilute it in a 16 oz water bottle so half water half formula and flush before and after water. Its exactly a month since radiation ended and thought the mouth problems would get better. Started the first series of chemo last Tuesday--that was a pain-survived through that. They sent me home with the machine for four straight days-yes that thing was running for 4 days. I have to more rounds of chemo one in Feb and last one in March. So, not looking forward to it........
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-24-2014 04:18 PM
Hopefully if you are not swallowing you are at least practice swallowing - radiation can damage those muscles and if you are not using them you can lose the ability all together - sometimes permanently. So hopefully they gave you exercises at your hospital to do. I know we all want to avoid pain, but sometimes a little is worth the result. I would suggest maybe just trying to sip and swallow lukewarm water. Nothing jarring and nothing with flavor.

hugs and best of luck. and patience.
Posted By: gmcraft Re: Mouth Sore with Salty Discharge - 01-24-2014 04:41 PM
RE:the swallowing -- even dry swallows will help your muscles maintain their functions.
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