Posted By: SUEZ Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 02:57 PM
Well all set for Thur 6/30/11 supposedly 10 hour surgery this time 2 hours shorter than the first one. He is getting his stuff in order "just in case" he says. And to top it off his favorite dog, Biagio who is our 16 yr old mini pin took a turn for the worse and is standing at the edge of the "Rainbow Bridge" waiting to cross over whenever Ron lets go of may be today or Saturday morning and it is really killing Ron that his "lil buddy" is going to be gone and is very upset that it is happening before he goes in for his surgery, I think he maybe is thinking the lil guy is leading the way for him or yes I've had a bunch of stress going on the past week and restless/sleepless nights between Ron and the dog...wish us luck.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 04:56 PM
Sorry to hear about the pup. Its always such a terrible time when we lose a pet. This is the last thing Ron needs before he goes in for the big surgery.

Best of luck to Ron next week!!!!
Posted By: Eileen Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 05:07 PM
So sad that Ron has to lose his 'lil buddy' especially just before going in for surgery. The loss of a beloved pet is never easy regardless of when it happens.

I wish him the best on his surgery on Thursday and remember to take care of yourself.

Take care,

Posted By: SUEZ Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 05:20 PM
Well I think I may have to do it today after work, I was going to do it Saturday but I have to watch my Grandson all day. I don't want to do it...I know we are being selfish keeping him alive for US and not thinking about maybe how much pain he may be in. He stopped eating Monday or even Sunday but still goes to drink water with no problem, he just won't eat nothing I try to give him. He walks by himself, a little stiff legged, but does not potty in his cage at all. He lays outside on the grass and just watches the world go by...I know he is old and tired but he isn't showing signs of pain, but I'm sure he's starving from the inside out, yes he has lost weight...but maybe we are holding on to the thought of he may get better...knowing in our minds he won't. This really sux. I don't want to wait til next week, too close to Ron's surgery and this will give us the weekend to grieve and get it out. I have to do this alone, Ron won't go with me...and it's not like I haven't put down many of my other dogs or cats and a rabbit also but it still sux! I want somebody to go with me...I hate crying alone.
Posted By: julieann Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 10:26 PM
I will pray for a successful surgery for Ron, and remind him "Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge," where Biagio will go and have fun again running and playing with other dogs, and be free from any pain. It's a terrible thing to lose your best buddy, but knowing Biagio will be free of pain, should make Ron smile. I hope so. My little 17-year old pomeranian is there and I told him to welcome Biagio whenever he arrives. What fun they'll have laugh
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 10:34 PM
My thoughts are with you, Suez - I hope Ron's surgery goes well on THursday. I know what you must be going through with losing Ron's pet. Several months ago, I had to care for my son's cat who had oral cancer at the edge of his mouth - and had stopped eating and was very old. Sometimes it is kinder to let them go. At one point, the day before, I just held the cat most of the day, petting it, trying to comfort it and make the last moments peaceful for both of us. I wish I could say something that would help, - I don't know if that's possible but I do know that anyone who has loved and cared for a pet feels what you are feeling now. Do try to do something kind for yourself.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-24-2011 11:46 PM
I'll say a prayer for your doggy and Ron!! The pooch sounds like he's just relaxing in his last days... He may not be in pain... God looks out for the little ones - especially children the two and four legged variety!

Hugs to you all.
Posted By: Sandy177 Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-25-2011 02:59 AM
I am so sorry. To have so much on your shoulders must be awful. Suez, you are one strong woman. I am glad to hear that Ron is preparing himself for surgery. Everyone has their own way of getting in the right frame of mind. Whatever makes him feel settled will help him relax.

It breaks my heart that he is losing Biagio now, of all times. Pets give us compassion and unconditional love and ask for little in return. And, when life hands us its worse, they stand between us and a pit of despair. I hope there are things that can soften his grief before Thursday. Maybe a visit from the grandchildren?

I wish I could be there with you when you have to take Biagio...then for sure you wouldn't be crying alone. Makes me tear up just thinking about it. Having to do it sucks when nothing else is going on. But, with all you have on your plate, I can't think of a worse time.

I'll be keeping you, Ron, and Biagio in my thoughts and prayers.


Posted By: SUEZ Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-27-2011 01:54 AM
Well I put Beeg down Saturday, had an apt 1145am but when I got up, he was lying by the door to go downstairs to the outside back door and wasn't even moving...I told Ron I had to do it earlier, that I don't think he would make it til the apt time. So I left the vet a message that I would be in @ 9. His eyes had started to cloud fast death comes sometimes. I left Ron with our grandson watching a movie and took my other dog Dakota with me for support, she is my rock and made me feel better cuz she was with me and made me laugh cuz she is a big sissy dog when she goes to the vets office even though she is a Pitbull. Her damn jaw was chattering so bad and with her jowels making a funny sound made me and the receptionist crack up. Sissy azz dog! We said our goodbyes before I took him and he had no idea what was going on. Our vet is a great guy, 35+ yrs going to him. He gives them 2 shots, one to put them to sleep so not to fear death and the final shot...I'm sorry but really why do us humans have to suffer? Today I went to a flower nursery, Ron wanted me to buy 2 Clematis plants since the one we had died and that was for his cousing when she passed. He wanted a white one and another purple and I got them both. Also I bought a stone, it was for pets that passed. It says "Our Pets lead us from patience to love and then to loss but it is always a journey worth taking" and it has a human hand and a dogs paw in it like shaking hands. Ron wanted Biagio's name on the back so I put that on it with his birthdate and to rest date on it in permanent marker. Yesterday after 16 yrs of having his dog pen in the kitchen, I have an open corner...but I do feel better I am not worrying about him all night long, I was able to sleep better last night. Firt time all week. Also I had a Pomerianian that lived to be 17 too julieann! I was hoping Beeg would live to 18 and outlive her! Now he has her and my other dog Shaianne that he grew up with to go run and play! They are now playing without pain. Thanks everybody for making me feel better! XXOO
Posted By: Pandora99 Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-27-2011 04:11 AM
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. I was in tears reading what happened. Dogs give so much and ask so little of us. I am glad he is now at peace.

Posted By: Lizzy67 Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-27-2011 12:50 PM
Hi Suez

My deepest sympathies for the loss of your beloved dog especially when you and Ron are dealing with the upcoming surgery. I understand how devastating it is to have to put down a valued and loyal friend, I had to put down our beloved Duchess 4 years ago and it broke our hearts. But I am sure she is up there playing and having a great time as is Biagio.

Wishing Ron all the best with his surgery. I pray that both of you are comforted by the fact that Biagio is at peace and living it up in doggy Heaven. Suez, you are amazingly strong...Ron is one lucky man to have you as caregiver and partner in life. Take care xx

Posted By: SUEZ Re: Ron's surgery scheduled - 06-27-2011 01:11 PM
Thanks everybody...and yes keep reminding me of how strong I am...cuz I need it! Ron is actually not drinking like he usually does, he only bought a 6 pack over the weekend and I saw him only drink 1 beer out of it, he is getting ready for the surgery, thank God he has the brains to figure out that he needs to feed his body with food and not beer. Smoking...still the same, I don't know when or if he will ever stop, I've tried with both and it is up to him to make that decision. We have to be there I guess again @ 630am, man that sure makes for a long day. I'll keep in touch as much as I can throughout the day.
Love to all you!!!
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