Posted By: julieann Problems 3 years later, anyone else?????? - 07-04-2011 08:13 PM
Hello All:
Just thought I'd pass this by again in hopes that someone else has similar problems/symptoms and possibly a solution. My treatments ended in 2/08 with the metalic mucus and associated after-radiation effects, for about a year. I never had dry mouth then though, which is strange. Just mucus. Then things subsided, with occasional mucus in the mornings, but would clear later in the day. Then, almost a year later, the mucus in my mouth became very, very sweet sick, to the point of almost making me sick. About 6-months after that, I woke up one morning with my mouth so dry that my tongue was literally stuck to the roof of my mouth. That is how it is now, and the sweet putrid taste is with me constantly. Sometimes my saliva is pasty, and sometimes it is frothy white. I have no dryness except upon waking and as soon as I brush my teeth, the saliva/mucus starts. I have been to ENTs, gastro doctors, allergists, and other doctors, who usually end up saying it's after-radiation effects. Is there any of you who have had such symtoms? From reading other posters, almost all suffer from dry mouth years after treatment - mine is full of this gook I either cough up or it seems to come back up into my mouth when it's white and frothy. Anyone? Suggestions? Thanks so much.
Posted By: klo Re: Problems 3 years later, anyone else?????? - 07-04-2011 10:35 PM
Hi Julieanne
Alex is not as far through as you but suffers similar problems. He calls it "foam" and it gets progressively worse through the day after waking up initially with dry mouth. If he has a big day of talking, the foam often gets worse.

He also suffers taste disturbance and our nutritionist recommended zinc supplements to normalise sense of taste. Something for you to consider and ask your nutritionist or doctor about?
Posted By: julieann Re: Problems 3 years later, anyone else?????? - 07-04-2011 11:17 PM
Thanks, Karen. I started zinc about 2 months ago, and so far, nothing cry The putrid sweet, sweet taste is what's so sickening - it really makes it hard to eat what little I could eat before - just plain yucky with the mucus/saliva/taste. Thanks for writing because I haven't ever heard of anyone starting out with dry mouth and then immediately changing to the foamy/sometimes sticky stuff. I'm still investigating other causes, so will let you know if I find another solution.
Julieanne, FINALLY!!!!! Somebody else has a similar problem. Maybe someone else will speak up. I hope you are able to get to the bottom of this. Hope the zinc works.
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