Posted By: Mariam Update from Mariam - 01-23-2008 10:06 PM
Hi Everybody,
I've not been here for awhile. My parents went to Arizona for January so I am without my charge...Very odd...
Dad will have his scan Feb 6th to see if the treatment worked. He is still not swallowing or eating since Sept and still wears the ostomy over his tube. At Christmas his color was better.
Nothing has really happened or changed. The relief has only been that his condition is consistent.
I love you all and I'm still in the totally "pissed off stage" of this disease.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Update from Mariam - 01-23-2008 11:13 PM
I think it's great he's holding his own and not losing any ground. A lot of us would be glad to say we were doing the same. I too am pissed at this cancer and how it's trying to take charge of my life. I shall be the victor.
Posted By: Dell1064 Re: Update from Mariam - 01-26-2008 10:55 AM
Hi Miriam,

I'll bet it is odd to have this time to yourself.
I hope your parents enjoy the warmth of Arizona, sounds nice!
I'm with you in the "totally pissed off stage"!
Vent away girl, I'm with ya!
Posted By: JAM Re: Update from Mariam - 01-26-2008 10:27 PM
Miriam, Please treat yourself to some quality time on your own, and hooray for the fact that your parents could go to Arizona!! Wishing you and them well. Amy in the Ozarks
Posted By: Mariam Re: Update from Mariam - 01-27-2008 03:37 PM
Thank you JAM Dell and EZJim,
I had an exhibit while they were gone and have been busy but am very depressed (like sometimes can barely string a sentence together). My reaction to this whole thing has been delayed, partly because I was so active and needed during treatment. My only close friend in town has had bad news about her lung cancer and I am bracing myself for this year with her. (I take great delight that she and I can still share food and drink, something I really miss with Dad who has treated me to the greatest meals of my life.)
They loaded up a million cans of food and drove from IL to AZ! They are world travelers and just saw this situation as a small hitch...Pretty cool really.
They'll be back soon for the big scan on Feb 5th or 6th.
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