Posted By: Bray&Graysdad Bad thrush infection - 12-16-2012 06:27 PM
Hi folks -

I am starting week 4 of treatment and have contracted a relatively bad thrush infection. It is finally starting to go away after 4 days of topical antibiotic, but it is still terribly hard to eat. Any food recommendations? Getting tried of the Ensure Complete diet!

Thanks All,

Posted By: Cheryld Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-16-2012 10:10 PM
Minimal sugar It feeds the thrush. I used manuka honey as well had no thrush (well at the end of treatment I'd topped the honey for about a week, and thought I was getting thrush my RO told me to rinse with my magic mouthwash there was nystatin in it. I had been, it wasn't working so I went back to the honey. And it solved the problem). Also do what you can to bump up his immune system. Hugs.
Posted By: PaulB Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-17-2012 12:24 AM
Oral thrush, candidiasis, is fungal infection, which is common with a compromised immune system, such as with cancer, and a secondary condition due to Mucocitis from the radiation and chemo. As Cheyrl said, it feeds on sugar, and is basically an uncontrolled yeast infection. Avoiding sugar, breads, alcohol, excess fruits, etc. and anything that irritates the mouth such acidic foods, spices, sharp textured foods, hot foods. Thrush can go to the esophagus, stomach, and if untreated, it can elsewhere throughout the body via the blood system, and become invasive or dessiminated candidiasis, a potentially deadly condition. The mouth is also vulnerable to spread of infection due to any ulcers present into the blood. The treatment is with an antifungal, not antibiotic, such as the Nystatin rinse, but Fluconozole (Diflucan), clotromozole are more effective, and both are often used. Impeccable oral care is important by brushing after each meal, before bed with a soft brush rinsing often with baking soda rinse w/salt if it doesn't burn, flossing, and changing your tooth brushes often to avoid reinfection.
Posted By: KP5 Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-17-2012 03:38 AM
I know Kevin was on a daily dose of Diflucan(liquid)during IMRT. This seemed to negate that problem.
If scrambled eggs will go down, the protein would be good.
Posted By: Kelly211 Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-17-2012 09:07 PM
Yogart is good for thrush as the proboitics rebalance the good germs in the mouth. My doctor gave me a huge supply of Clotrimazole medicated mints to control the thrush. He said to take up to 5 a day. If I think the thrush is comming back i will grab a mint or two a day just in case.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-17-2012 10:16 PM
Thank Heaven Thrush didn't discover my mouth until post Tx. Since then it has liked my mouth so much that it has come and gone like a summer vacationer. About a year ago my dentist told me to take a spoonful of Activa a day and so far it's kept my unwanted vacationer away.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-17-2012 11:09 PM
Ray, here is a list of easy to eat foods. This may help you to be able to eat while your mouth is very sensitive.

List of Easy to Eat Foods
Posted By: PaulB Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-18-2012 01:09 AM
Some doctors say using probiotics in a compromised immune system, like cancer, may not be good, even harmful, even though the good kind, believing it will be just adding more bacteria to fuel infection. If probiotics are taken, it should be the refrigerated type being they are live cells, and can be destroyed easily, if not handled, stored properly. I don't think yogurt is what they speak about, but more prescription or mega strength. I haven't met one doctor yet that said so, and every time I was in the hospital, yogurt was always on menu, and was even given probiotics for c-diff infection.
Posted By: Bray&Graysdad Re: Bad thrush infection - 12-18-2012 01:31 AM
Thanks Christine! This is just what I was looking for. - although I was well warned- by all the kind folks here and my very candid RO - it continues to be beyond my expectations. I try not to pressure my wife and caretaker too much as she is focused on caring for our 2 year old and 2 month old as well as the 39 year old. Without her I am not sure how I'd be faring. Hats off to you for doing it solo....

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