Posted By: Donnarose Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-02-2007 11:30 AM
Hi Everyone!
Well tomorrow is going to be....
I have no idea. I should read up on it, but our ISP is upgrading this week and I keep losing my connection.
I am so happy to finally begin with's been a long and scary road. I couldn't have gotten through it without all of you. I feel so blessed, and I want you to know that I continually keep all of you in my prayers everyday, even the people who haven't found this forum yet.
As always, any advice is always welcome and has always been so helpful. Thank you.
Posted By: linroth Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-02-2007 02:18 PM
Donna, Hi! Was reading your post and not sure if your Mom is having the brachytherapy done tomorrow or something else. I had brachytherapy done last July, and if you need any information maybe I can help. Where is she having it done? I had mine done at Presby. Hospital in Pitts. Pa. It's part of UPMC. Like I said, you may be talking about something else she is going through, wishing her the best in whatever she has to face. Take care. Linda
Posted By: brenfran25 Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-02-2007 04:59 PM
Hi Donna!
The only 'advice' I can give you is to be thankful that treatment has finally STARTED---tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your mom's life and celebrate every 'good' day -or even part of day-that she gets! At least something will now be 'happening' and we all have you in our thoughts. Whatever happens, she has a lovely, caring daughter,
Brenda x
Posted By: PeteyB Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-02-2007 11:17 PM
Hello Donna

Please tell Mom I said hello and Good Luck!

I am sure that YOU will feel a tremendous relief in a day or two now that the treatment has finally begun.

I am also thinking that your Mother will also, especially since she no longer has to go through the surgery she was so frightened of.

God Bless, Petey
Posted By: Donnarose Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-03-2007 01:28 PM
Linda, Brenda and Petey,
Thank you.
Linda, she goes for set-ups today. My dad and sister are taking her, I opted to stay home and clean her's hard to do when she's in there, she gets upset. She is to begin her 5 wks of outpatient radiation next week. They said that they may give her a little treatment today--though, they may not since she has a little poison ivy on her face. I would be especially grateful for any info you can share about the brachetherapy. I've read about it, listened to the rad onc, but it's not the same as hearing from someone who has been through it. One of my biggest fears in the amount of weight she is beginning to lose. I can't get her to eat much. I almost forgot, she is having it done at HUP.
I better get moving.
Thanks for the well wishes, I will share them with her.
Posted By: Donnarose Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-03-2007 05:35 PM
Mom went for set-up today. I spoke with my sister a little while ago, she said that they will be giving her 31 tx's of radiation, they may also treat her with erbitux, we will take her to see new MO on Thursday in regards to whether she will be a candidate for erbitux. I expect that she will be since the MO is squeezing in her appt at 7AM! I haven't researched this form of chemo yet, will do so when I stop post here. I am relieved that they are going to treat her aggressively, her tongue looks so bad and uncomfortable. They said that she would start either Thursday or Monday and it would end aprrox around Aug. 20th. Then she will have two wks off then go in for the brachetherapy. Her treatments will be daily for 15 mins and she will meet with ehr RO every Monday before or after tx.
Posted By: karenanddad Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-04-2007 05:40 AM
Hi Donna it is Karen, I am wondering about your mom and her ability to eat. Can she? Is she on a liquid diet? Does she have a PEG ? Just wondering I am trying to catch up. I don't know if she is in that bad of condition to need tube feeding, but my dad had one and helped him in so many ways. He wasn't crazy about it at first, but it really became a great thing for him. Also thank you for all of you emails they always put a little smile on my face. I hope you are doing alright. Hang in there.
Posted By: Donnarose Re: Mom goes for set-ups tomorrow! - 07-04-2007 08:36 AM
Hey Karen!!
She hasn't started yet.

How are you? What's happening? Looked around....didn't see anything about your dad?
Everything OK?
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