Posted By: Dino need advice - 06-09-2005 06:40 AM
I had some weird things start in my mouth area about three months ago. I had an ulcer on the left side of my tongue grow. It was not like a canker sore but more like just an open sore. After a couple weeks I went to my GP that then sent me to an oral surgeon. He did a biopsy that returned negative. About a month after that I noticed a growth on the left side of my tongue about two inches behinde the initial open sore. So I went back to my GP that then sent me to an ENT. The ENT did a biopsy and that came back negative. About a week after I had that biopsy I started to feel a lump sensation or like something was there in the back of my throat along with a mild sore throat that seems to come and go. I went back to my GP who sent me for a CT scan which came back normal. After the CT scan I went back to my ENT who looked down my throat with a scope. He said he did not see anything wrong. So I went to another ENT for a second opinion and he said he did see some redness just above my vocal cords and some debris on my lingual tonsils. I insisted that a biopsy be done on my lingual tonsils and he said ok after explaining that he did not see anything that really conerned him. Should I go through with this biopsy or are the tests I have had to date enough evidence to conclude my results. I has been two months of this feeling of something in my throat and mild soreness off and on.
Posted By: GRE1 Re: need advice - 06-09-2005 08:12 AM

You need to let this go. Many of us have been incorrectly diagnosed, but not after so many attempts to rule OC out.

Posted By: rosie Re: need advice - 06-09-2005 09:29 AM

You could just have the tonsils taken out - NOT because I think you have cancer, because I don't - but because they could be causing some of your problems. You have been counseled repeatedly to let this go and you obviously aren't going to do that, so just have the tonsillectomy and be done with it. Make sure to tell the doctor that while he's in there, you want him to look at everything, not just the tonsils, scope everything possible, biopsy anything even slightly suspicious, then, if nothing is found, let it go and get on with your life!

Posted By: wilckdds Re: need advice - 06-09-2005 10:51 AM
This is the 4 th time since March that you have been asking us the same questions. You've been to a walk-in physician, your regular doctor, 2 ENT docs and an oral surgeon, if I read everything you've written correctly. ayou've had 2 biopsies, both negative. You certainly have gotten enough professional opinions to put your mind at ease, but apparently it's not helping.

Although mistakes in diagnosis can certainly occur, they ALL can't be wrong.

Each time you post, it's like you've never been here before. It's probably time for you to put this to rest.

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