Posted By: lilmamacass Difficulty with Obturator - 06-09-2011 05:23 PM

I am hoping that someone can offer advice/support for my mom. She underwent oral/neck surgery last month and has an obturator.

The obturator has been giving her issues since last week when her prosthodontist readjusted it. She experiences a tremendous gag reflex when she tries to put the obturator in.
She has left the obturator out for 2 days now and has been able to eat small amounts of food using the side of her mouth that was not affected by the surgery.

I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how my mom might get past this gag reflex or if there are any techniques to inserting the obturator?? Her prosthodontist offered her some type of numbing gel or spray for her mouth to decrease sensation and make it easier for her to insert the obturator, but this hasn't seemed to work. Her doctors have also told her that putting the obturator in her mouth is a "mind-over-matter" issue and she just needs to get past it.

Please, if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them.

Thank you.
Posted By: mightymouse Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-09-2011 07:31 PM
Hi, Maura-

I wish I had some specific tricks up my sleeve for your mom...All I know is, it takes practice, practice, practice. If she can find a time to sit in front of a mirror and practice different ways of inserting it (usually they recommend putting the lumpy part, the part that goes in the surgical defect, in first, then clipping the clips to the teeth on the other side)... It shouldn't be a matter of shoving it in -- she should be able to be gentle and deliberate and to take her time. Does she have anxiety about the whole thing (which would be understandable)? That may contribute to her getting a gag reflex. I don't know how you feel about meds, but if anxiety is an issue, some anti-anxiety meds might help her relax more while she practices putting it in.

Not a fun thing, the obturator. I have just returned this minute from getting my definitive one, and am feeling a bit shake (I always do after these appointments!). But it seems to be fitting okay. I haven't yet taken it out or put it in myself, so we'll have to see how that goes tonight.

I do hope your mom finds a way to insert her obturator without discomfort -- she needs it to eat and talk, and those are basic necessities for us all! I wish her the best, and will have her in my thoughts. She's in good company -- there are now a few of us on here who can identify with her difficulties.

Best of luck. Hang in there.
Posted By: lilmamacass Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-09-2011 11:57 PM

Thank you for responding. It helps just to hear from someone else who can relate to my mom.

I figured there probably isn't anything I or anyone can do but encourage/support my mom through this. Her docs have emphasized that it will just take time & practice. I do think she has anxiety over it and maybe it would help if she could take medication to relieve that feeling. I just hope that she has a good experience tomorrow when she sees her prosthodontist.

In the meantime, I hope you have success with your definitive obturator. Thanks again for your input.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-10-2011 02:28 AM
The gag reflex is a mind ivermectin matter thing I think I too have a touchy gag reflex - makes wearing those flouride trays a bugger - I'm not an orberatur user - but I tell you I gag the minute I slide the trays in - ugh!! It does get easier though - eventually- tell yo mom not to give up she'll eventually get used to it.
Hugs- and take care
Posted By: lilmamacass Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-10-2011 02:32 AM
Thanks Cheryl for your support. I needed the hug, too!
Posted By: jayneday Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-10-2011 06:09 AM
I had exactly the same thing, I found I was gagging with this 2nd obturator but my dentist shaved some off do it was more bearable. I am s complete scaredy cat and have only just started looking and feeling my surgery site and it's been a few months now. Your mum will get there it takes time and patience but she will get used to it
Take care of you
Jayne x
Posted By: wheels Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-11-2011 12:28 AM
I had a little gag reflex the first week, while getting use to talking with the obturator. It got better fairly quickly, just had to learn to talk a little slower and take time to swallow. I feel more panic when the obturator is out, kind of scary, having a hole in my mouth, and not being able to talk. I take it out the very last thing at night and put it back in the very first thing in the morning and I keep it in a dish by my bed, for the "just in case". it makes me feel kind of helpless with it out. I hope your mom will keep trying and soon it will be more comfortable. Keep us posted. Let her know we are all pulling for her.

Posted By: lilmamacass Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-11-2011 02:47 AM
Thank you Jayne & Sharon . . .

As I said to Chris earlier, it helps just to hear from others who can relate to my mom. Your words are very encouraging. My mom is not too computer savvy but I did succeed in getting her to set up an account with OCF.

I've been passing along everyone's comments to my mom and I know that all of your support has made a difference in how she is adjusting post-surgery and with the obturator. So thank you again for sharing your experiences. It really helps!
Posted By: patty2011 Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-15-2011 05:36 PM
Hey Maura & all,
this is Mauras sister Patty, I'm new to this site, after reading all of your threads, it makes me feel a good bit more hopeful that she will overcome this difficult time. Mom is about to start radiation, from what dad told me, this will kill all of her salivary glads for good. so she will have to spray her throat all the time for the rest of her life. anyone out there have any input on this? how often, etc.... what is our mom up against?
thanks Patty
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-16-2011 04:28 AM
I guess they know where they are radiating so the fall out could be the gland - water is a great help she could carry it around and drink when dry - they do have a biotene spray thet helps - they also have Biotene mouthwash and toothpaste - all made to help with dryness!! She xan carry the spray in her purse and usevit as needd. She'll be okay. Good luck.
Posted By: jayneday Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-23-2011 05:09 AM
Well I'm having a bad week! Chemo knocked me back I can't seem to eat they gave me ensure and I tried last night then threw it up! I haven't eaten prop for a week so maybe slowly is the way. I got 8 rads left and that really tires and makes me nauseas. Sorry I'm a wingebag today!
I havent cleaned my ob so much cos feel so bad buti will try today
Jayne x
Posted By: mightymouse Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-23-2011 12:38 PM
Oh, Jayne, I'm sorry you're having a bad week! You're right about going slowly with the eating; keep trying different liquid things (have you tried making a smoothie in the blender?). Do you have meds for nausea? I had to take them often during treatment, and they really helped.

Don't worry too much about cleaning your obturator -- just stick it in a glass with some warm water mixed with mouthwash and then give it a quick brush with the toothbrush. No need to fret about it too much.

Take it easy, honey -- you'll get through this. I wish I had a quick fix for you, but you just have to hang in there. You're counting down now! Only 8 to go! Keep writing anytime you need to vent. We're here for you.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 06-23-2011 02:35 PM
Sorry you're having a hard time - but you're in the home stretch hon. The next 3-4 weeks are going to be hard you'll get through. My hospital gave me 4 meds when I left after chemo - three of them were "have to take" as in I had to take them twice a day for three days and one was a one dose. The fourth med was an anytime med - it was for breakthrough nausea.did they give you this? If so take it before you eat. I too had a few days when food just wasn't my friend - and I hate throwing up! I think I lost a few pounds after the second chemo because I was just too nauseated to eat. But - I lost the bulk of my weight at the end... The last three days of chemo and the first week and a half after. That wasn't nausea related though. Mostly pain. No problem on the wingeing - you have very right!!! Take care and try to relax. Hugs!
Posted By: jayneday Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-10-2011 06:05 AM
Well had 5 week check and doc says it looks fine. Got to go in 4 weeks for check up and scan. It's scary it brought home my fear of it coming back. I don't smoke or drink and eat well but if it's going to come back it will so I suppose you just have to get on with life or you just wont have a life! I have been eating and notgsined weight so I shall eat more if I can! Theyalso said my hair won't grow back which is a bummer but I can live with it!
Hope you are all doing ok
Jayne x
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-12-2011 01:50 PM
Who said your hair won't grow back? Why not? I'm 3 months post rads and I have an inch of hair ( my hair grows fast) in the areas affected that were furthest away from the radiation site - and about half an inch closer to the areas - it wasn't until month 2 my hair started coming back! You may have a patch that is permanent but not all of it. My hair is thin but I have a lot -I lost scads all along the collar line - up to the middle of my ear and it thinned up to the crown mostly on the left Side - the area that was really blasted!! Not fun - I look bit like a scarecrow! So I pull it back into a non existent bun! Were talking what looks like maybe 100 hairs!!! The rest of it had breakage! It should grow back!
And as for the fear I know how you feel - we all do - and you're right I look at it this way - I've done all I can treatment wise - I've adjusted my diet - and try to meditate daily! I've done what I can to get and stay healthy - if it comes back I'll fight it then but other than what I'm already doing nothing else will change the future so I'm not going to freak out or worry. I don't like waiting for scan results but at least they are availbl to me. Hugs! And heeling vibes to you!
Posted By: jayneday Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-24-2011 06:34 PM
I'm 7 weeks out and find with the obturator I seem to be really congested, I have like blocked ears and find it hard to hear, it's been like this for a few weeks now. Is this normal after cisplatin and rt?
Doc checked my ears and said they look fine but I'm deaf as a post!
I'm not so tired just bunged up just wondered if anyone else has this too
Hope you are all doing ok
I'm off to Paris for a few days and want to feel better so any tips would be really good smile
Jayne xx
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-24-2011 08:07 PM
Apparently hearing can be affected by cisplatin... You might have a bit of congestion or swelling behind the ear drum, wait a week or so if it doesn't clear up go back! I woudnt be happy at all. But I think if you were going to have hearing loss due to cisplatin it would have happened during treatment so this may just be an infection of some type - though I am not certain... I'm sure someone here may have an answer for you.
Good luck! Congrats on being seven weeks out! I'm 15! smile
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-24-2011 08:41 PM
Its pretty common for someone who has had treatments to have swelling afterwards. Also, radiation has affected my sinuses so its like I have a head cold every day. It isnt ever going to get better so I deal with it by taking cold meds. Its just one of the after effects from radiation. No complaints from me, Im thrilled to still be alive! Cheryl is correct, cisplatin can cause hearing loss, its normally the high pitched frequencies that gets messed up. Have a wonderful trip and check it when you get back. Try some nose spray and antihistimine for the sinuses.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-25-2011 02:00 AM
Geez I didnt see the Paris part have an awesome trip!
Posted By: jayneday Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-25-2011 03:50 PM
Thanks guys iv got some decongestant tablets will see if they help
Sounds like I have the same head cold as you Christine , but you right it's a small price to pay !
Jayne x
Posted By: jayneday Re: Difficulty with Obturator - 08-25-2011 03:51 PM
Thanks Cheryl I will try!
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