Posted By: reddoggie dentures and probs after cancr - 09-14-2005 11:20 AM
i have now two months sincemy removal of scc and the marginal and my neck desection. now to gt my dentures r e done i find this scarey as they told me the way i got scc was frm the mother who had cancer and a denture irration. i never rem this irration it was just oola there a lesion. so any one have feed bk of what i can rinse the mouth with or what to do for a irration as soon as it comes. my occ dr said if a sore does not heal in a week gt bk to him but wonderd what any one else did to aide. also note i smoked but gave it up 15 ys ago and said this still made the dif of gtting scc thanks for any im put rd
Posted By: Mark Re: dentures and probs after cancr - 09-14-2005 05:08 PM
rd, please type more carefully because it is really difficult to understand your question.

From what I have read, the idea that dentures cause SCC is proven to be false. Perhaps others will comment.
Posted By: reddoggie Re: dentures and probs after cancr - 09-14-2005 06:50 PM
sorry what i was told by my occ dr was a denture irratation was the cause of the scc tumor on my tounge and the fact my mom had cancer and i smoked 15 yrs ago he said i must make a point that if a denture irration does not clear up in a week i must go bk to him hope this makes it clear rd
Posted By: bobb131 Re: dentures and probs after cancr - 09-20-2005 09:04 PM

I am a dental hygienist and I want to explain that it is not the denture that caused your cancer, but many people who wear dentures do not go to the dentist for semi-annual examinations like they should. Small lesions that may be mistaken as a denture sore are not caught until much later because no one is examining the tissue regularly. Don't be afraid of your new denture -- but please see your occ doctor and your dentist regularly for exams so that anything suspicious can be checked out early.

good luck,

Posted By: reddoggie Re: dentures and probs after cancr - 10-02-2005 04:36 PM
thanks as found it is a irrattion that went bd the dr said . i found the old set of detures now do not fit and will need to save bucks to get a new pair as the jaw is dif and the toungue scc removal has changed the shape of my moouth does any one know of any grants offerd for any one who had ca and needs dentures as i have no insurance thanks
Posted By: bobb131 Re: dentures and probs after cancr - 10-04-2005 08:30 PM

I don't know of any grants, but if you live near any dental schools you can get a good set of dentures made there, usually inexpensively. If you do go to a dental school, go to the department of prosthodontics to have your dentures made. Those are dentists who specialize in replacing teeth and have extra training in making dentures.

Good luck,

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