Hi all,

My 49-yr old cousin was just diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer that has spread to his liver. They live in Chicago. He and his wife decided that he is going to be treated at Northwestern University Hospital and have some sort of "complementary therapy" at The Block Institute . According to my other cousin (his sister),

"they keep him on the same regimen as Northwestern but treat the immune system and other parts of his body as well. they also coordinate all doctors, meaning they each talk to each other and know what is going on with all parts of David. Unlike Northwestern..because he would be in different buildings for different things and they dont necessarily speak to one another. They also do all the insurance stuff. Which is huge."

Has anyone heard of The Block Institute? It is in Evanston, IL, just north of Chicago.

Thanks for any info.


* Root for Joe *
Sister of Joe (43, non-smoker/chewer; occ. drinker). Mouth problem 3/07. Diag with Stage I 6/07. Diag with Stage IV 9/07. In EPOC at Univ of Chicago. Cisplatin/cetuximab 1/wk x 8. Then, IMRT 5x/wk x 7 and weekly chemo. Done 12/21/07. Looks good as of 4/08, 7/08, 8/08, 1/09.