7 cats???? lol and you threw a thumper in the mix? Well I am in the middle of my 3rd week and am about to go play tennis with my daughter. I have taken the opposite approach (of course) I have been staying extremely active but at the same time getting a good solid 8-9 hours of good sleep everynight! I did however as of yesterday concede to eating only soft foods from here on out. I got grilled chicken at longhorn lastnight and it beat my ass!! I got thru half of it and could barely talk my tongue hurt sooooo bad! I went home sucked down a VHC, popped a perk and went to bed! lol woke up feeling much better, however I am beginning to get a little nausious in the mornings....not liking that. Laying around all day is easy for me to do but makes me feel terrible and more tired, not to mention all I do is think about what is about to come and what I have already been through which of course does not help my morale at all. Guess its different for everyone, until I cant physically do it anymore I am going to stay as active as possible.

30 yr old M non-smoker (stuborn ass italian)
SCC left side Tongue 2/17/09, Partial Gloss. 2/25/09
Left ND 5/20/09 10 nodes, 1 pos (1.7cm w/xtra cap spread)
Finished Rads IMRT X 33 8/18/09 (70gy)No PEG, No Chemo
"On the long road to recovery 1 step at a time"