A port is a catheter that is placed into your chest wall and goes directly into your blood stream...my Dad had one and I advised my Hubby to get one too, which he did and was grateful...no sore arm veins to deal with and it's easy access for chemo, blood tests.
My hubby's hair began to grow back three weeks post-radiation and is still growing back after 5 months. He was grateful not to shave for a few months...his skin was like a baby's bum. He was told not to shave any residual hair unless absolutely neccessary, so as not to irritate the skin...only one pass with the electric razor. And he did shave his head...well actually I did, as that is my profession. You can buy a small hand trimmer at a beauty supply store...keep it clean and go gently so as not to nick the skin.
Smells were a problem in so much as to be irritating...blucky! was his word. I could not cook any red meat in this house. Taste buds are all coming back WELL. My best to you!


Caregiver to hubby Tom--Dx 09/08, SCC of left tonsil +margins, Mets to nodes, tonsillectomy, Cisp,TXT,5FU x3, IMRT 33 rads + Carbo x6, RND 3/09. Dx NHLymphoma 04/09, CT of Chest, Stom,Pelvis--all clear, 05/09 PET--all clear


Caregiver to Hubby,Stage IVb, SCC to left tonsil, Mets to nodes, Tonsillectomy, Cisplatin,Taxotere,5FU x 3, IMRT 33 Rads + Carbo x 6, RND 03/09--Dx NHLymphoma 04/09, CT of chest, stom, pel--all clear, 05/09 Pet--all clear, 08/09 Pet--all clear