My husband had a very similar operation on the left side, has an obturator, and also went through IMRT Radiation due to the cancer being in the hard palate. It was mainly for precautionary measure because of the likelihood the cancer could have traveled beyond the site of the tumor - even with clean ridges.

He did not finish all 30 rounds. With 11 left to go, he decided he could not take it anymore, and did not finish treatment.

Radiation itself is painless, but the side affects are tough.
He lost all taste and sense of smell during treatment and all desire to eat which resulted in a lot of weight loss. (Go with the PEG if this happens- just my suggestion, but he would have no part in it).

He didn't lose anymore teeth after Radiation. His facial hair is growing back in patches, so he tries to keep it shaved all the time because it's noticeable. He did lose one large area of hair loss about 4 inches wide and 2 inches tall at the base of his head. It has not yet begun to grow back in. It's still a smooth area, like the facial hair patches where the beams were aimed.

His sense of taste and smell have both fully returned and he is gaining weight back. He now likes potato salad, and hated it before, so maybe the taste buds change (or I got better at picking out Potato salad).

Here's a link to detailed info about IMRT Radiation Therapy.

I hope this helps ;-)

Let me add - please have a good support system in place before your treatment begins. Even if it's just us. This is an excellent place to come for support. It took me a while to get past lurking and begin posting, but I'm so glad I did. An absolutely wonderful group of people who truly know what you're going through and genuinely care.

Mom of 4, wife and caregiver to David, 37 yrs old, diagnosed 12/4/08 SSC T4NXMX Maxillectomy on 1/8/09. 19 out of 30 scheduled rounds of IMRT Radiation Therapy. Cancer free!! (Last checkup 8/09) Next 10/23/09