David, FYI--Jim did say that one node was positive, buried deep in tissue, and showing signs of spreading beyond its borders. I mention this because your advice is so valuable always, and knowing this will help you to advise him more specifically....and in your own inimitably vigorous way! You're terrific..but you're also experienced, and direct, and with this monster, there is no other way to deal with it.

Jim...I won't comment except to say that in my humble opinion, you need to put your relationship with your ENT aside and get yourself to the cancer center as fast as your legs will carry you for some good advice. You have been left with too much responsibility for making your own decisions about your treatment, and you are not equipped. You need more information, and from a treatment center who deals with this much more often than your ENT does.

One comment about your ear: They said that my ear wouldn't return to normal, but, thankfully, it did, slowly. It was stopped up .....Nerve damage kept the eustachean tube from functioning properly....and gradually that nerve got better. I took Sudafed every four hours, to try to help with the swelling, and it is totally normal now, and the numbness in the ear itself is 95% resolved. It itches occasionally, but it doesn't feel numb any more. I hope that yours improves also, and I wanted to give you some hope about that. Give it time.....My face also mostly returned to normal. I had a droopy lip which has returned to normal, and a numb upper lip which is now normal too.

Give it time.

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. nodes....no radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!