Brian is right, go to the best treatment facility and Drs you can. I drove 70 miles every day for 7 weeks, to go to a top 10 facility and almost went to Houston (1,000 miles). Would have gone anywhere to increse my odds for survival. Most people on this site went for second opinions. I did Rad once a day for 35 days (5 on/off 2).

Bill Van Horn-53 ex-smoker, social drinker, Biopsy 8/24, Diagnosed 8/30/07 BOT T2N2-B MX Stage IV. Started treatments 10/1/07. IMRT 35 x, Cisplatin - 3 cycles - completed treatment 11/16/07. CT Scans on 1/15/08 all clear Selective neck dissection 1/28/08. All nodes clear.