Hmmm, pig horomones eh Suess57...kinda poetic :-)

Sounds interesting and I'll ask about it.

Brian, I do take the synthyroid first thing BUT, with coffee (with cream :-P) so can never be sure if I am doing the right thing, but seem to have fairly stable readings.

The irony is, I would be at a healthier weight if I DID eat here, in our 5 star restaurant, but the 120 hour work weeks result instead in mostly processed and junk type foods which are bad for me for every reason, cancer and obesity just two of them.

I've been reading about the impact of excess weight on cancer as well.

Pete, what I did, was donated the Osmolean (?) to a local cancer resource charity...they put it to good use (the chemicals and corn starch CAN'T have been good to continue on), I got a tax write off and moved a mountain of flats out of my room. Something to think about when you are really ready to drop them.

I had a lot of trouble, and kinda still do, moving food around and my tongue was not cut up nearly as much as yours.

Still hurts when I try to articulate my tongue around to certain positions in my mouth. In fact, when I am tired my original "site" hurts a LOT, sometimes I need to pop a Tylenol for it.

I can also tell you Pete not to rush the solids, once I was ready I had NO TROUBLE (and still don't) eating despite the discomfort and pain.

Which, brings me to another question Brian...any ideas on the gastric bypass option and how it might impact any future treatments I might need in case of recurrence, increase in chances due to the surgery, etc etc.

By way Brian -- In case I never said so THANK YOU!

Michael | 53 | SCC | Right Tonsil | Dx'd: 06-10-05 | STAGE IV, T3N2bM0 | 3 Nodes R Side | MRND & Tonsillectomy 06/29/05 Dr Fee/Stanford | 8 wks Rad/Chemo startd August 15th @ MSKCC, NY | Tx Ended: 09-27-05 | Cancer free at 16+ Yrs | After-Effects of Tx: Thyroid function is 0, ok salivary function, tinnitus, some scars, neck/face asymmetry, gastric reflux. 2017 dysphagia, L Carotid stent / 2019, R Carotid occluded not eligible for stent.2022 dental issues, possible ORN, memory/recall challenges.