The medical marathon begins this week.Monday I will call the dermatologist because I have a spot on my hand that looks suspicious. That will probably take three or four visits.
I see the prosthodontist Thursday. The CT of my head (I hope they don't look at my scrambled brain), check of lower extremities for circulation and a panorex are being done Friday. I will also have annual CT of the kidneys then. Next week I go for the surgeon for check on healing from the breast cancer. (David - how's Martha?)
I have been able to schedule some double appointments - one day I see the ENT and urologist at TU and on anothe day I go to the dentist and internist who are in the same building. At least I'll save a little on gas!
I see the surgeon the 21st of Nov. and hopefully the surgery will be the first or second week of Dec.
Now I have to find time to do a little shopping. I need a new raincoat w liner - mine is shot and very old. I also need a new warm coat as the one I have is very bulky and is heavy around the neck. Such problems LOL.

SCC stage II Partial mandibulectomy w. neck dissection- July 2005. Renal cancer w. partial nephrectomy-Jan 2004. Breast cancer discovered in routine mammogram. Successful lumpectomy, sentinal nodes clear, RT only-2008 Reconstruction of mandible w fibula free flap-Jan 09. TORS removal of begnin pappiloma from esophagus-2010. Masectomy,rt breast 2013.
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