Hi Tabitha, I know how you feel! When I went with my husband to his first meeting with his doctor/surgeon - I was too much in a state of shock from the diagnosis that was made during the biospy a few weeks before. I knew I had a ton of questions - but many at the time I couldn't think of until later! Besides the obvious of what type of cancer and the staging of it, you may want to ask the doctor about how your dad's ability to do everyday things will be - radiation treatment in all honesty does quite a number on the body. My husband went through a grueling regime of 2 weeks in-hospital chemo and out-patient radiation, and just had the neck dissection surgery done this past Feb. 6th. He was diagnosed w/stage III squamous cell carcinoma at the base of the tongue. My husband'ds doctor is great though - he never waivered in offering us hope and keeps a positive attititude from every meeting we've had with him. This is important - because I will never let my husband go for treatment with a doctor who has a defeatest attitude and wants to throw in the towel. If your dad has a doctor like this - I would certainly look around for another one if I were you. I believe as long as a person draws breath, there is always hope for tomorrow. Another thing you may want to consider, that I never thought to do before is take along a small tape recorder and ask the doc if you can tape the discussion. Some friends of mine where I work have found this to be a helpful tool when visiting the doc because it's too hard to remember everything later (especially when you are under stress!). If nothing else - bring a notepad to jot some questions and answers down. I think the most fundamental question I had to ask was how was the quality of life going to be for my husband John. This is definitely something you and your family will have to take into consideration before deciding on the best possible course of action. Good luck and you are both in my thoughts and prayers.
