yes, Cookey i did see your msg and pls forgive me that i forgot to thank you. i will have my family ask about these. today i am going to visit my Dr. because most of the area from the nose and down is swollen and under my eyes there are swelling like sth has bitten me. i asked my Dr. to prescribe me an oxycodene pain killer to ease my pain as you advised me. he told me that things, as you can all understand are very difficult and uncontrolled. he doesn;t think that the chemo has a lot to offer, but perhaps is the only thing that could help a little. yes i know that if this torture lasts another couple of days i must get into hospital. i just feel that nothing can be done any more, i started cortison again but can;t take more than 5 days. everything shows that i lost this battle, i don;t have any other weapons left to fight any more. i just wish this swelling to go away & feel released even for just a little. i am afraid that if i go to the hospital i will never return home and that;s sth i don;t want to happen.
