Ok - I typically pride myself on being rather intelligent and self-sufficient, but search on this forum makes my head spin around like in the Exorcist wink. I have tried going through advanced and using quotes and +, etc. but it never fails I get 8 - 15 pages each time and they aren't about what I am looking for. Most recent example - I am looking for others who have had the radiation boost at the end. So tonight I tried searching for IMRT boost or radiation boost, then I tried it with quotes, then with the +. I don't get anywhere on a couple of the ways and the other ways I need another hour+ to read them all.

I think this may be why so many people re-ask the question(s) rather than utilize the search.

Anyway - maybe a brief education post in the FAQ section on searching would be helpful.

Or it could just be that I have Dan's chemo brain laugh

Michelle, CG to husband (45), DX 2/08 Stage IVa Adenocarcinoma Salivary Gland (T2N2bMO)
Parotidectomy & ND 2/08, Tumor margins not clear, 4 of 30 nodes positve for cancer,
TX IMRT 39x, cisplatin 7x (completed 5/1/08),
PEG (4/22 - 7/9), No port. Currently in remission!