Hi All,
I have read and watched this and have until now bitten my tongue. (I know...many of you can't belive it.)
I have always had a problem with people trying to profit and provide false hope from the misfortunes of others. Unfortunatly, it is a mutlibillion dollar industry. Many of you have posted with the same displeasure that I have. I was told by a friend when I was diagnosed with sarcoma over ten years ago that "shark cartilage", would cure me. Of course, I had to check it out. After many inquiries I found a clinic that answered my questions and informed me what this treatment entailed.
I was required to discontinue any medical treatment, go to the clinic, follow their treatment plan, pay $15K and for that I got to eat salad, do yoga, meditate and have shark cartilage administered by (get this) retention enema for three hours a day for ten days. I'm not a genius but, when I took human physiology and human anatomy your colon was only able to absorb water and essential minerals. I am not aware that that has changed. Cartilage molecules were way to big to be absorbed and for that matter unable to be broken down in the colon and rectum. You want to put 3 feet of hose where?...and then 5 litres of fluid are going where? I of course laughed my head off and reported these people to the local authorities and other government bodies.
There will always be "Snake Oil Salesman". People in, what they consider, desperate situations are willing to give up everything to live for another day. These organizations continue to thrive by spreading false hope, not by spending the money they recieve on scientific research but by spending it on marketing and advertising. Shame on them!!
I don't discount that a healthy lifestyle low in stress high in fiber with plenty of exercise and rest will certainly benefit everyone no matter what stage of health they are in but, if a magic cancer cure was out there our Doctors would know about it especially in the age of the internet.
Sorry to rant...just had to get my 2..OK 5 cents out.
God bless you all,

Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.