Hello everyone. I am new here and I have alot of unanswered questions about oral cancer. I have not been diagnosed with this, but I currently am having alot of oral problems that I think may be oral cancer. First I do have a large red mass, as my ENT said, on my adenoids. This is giving me a choking feeling and I am having facial pain or discomfort, tongue in white at times and feels like it is swellin as does my throat, sometimes, not all the time. My teeth and gums hurt and the roof of my mouth is sensitive at times when touched with my tongue. My gums do have some black spots on them and they feel rough. My ENT has me on antibiotics, he thinks the red mass is an infection. I get it checked out Monday again to see if it has gone down, but with all the other symptoms I have I'm thinking cancer. My lips burn at times too. I don't know if this is cancer, but it sure is scaring me!!! I suffer from panic/anxiety to so for something like this to be happeing is not doing me any good for that. I am a smoker. I've smoked since I was 18, so yeah I'm scared. Anybody have any answers as to, is this symptoms of cancer. Can anybody help me?