Hey Gary isn't this fun! I also have a small humidifier in the bedroom and I use either Oralbalance Dry Mouth Moisturizing Gel from Biotene or a product called Mouth Kote Oral Moisturizer(spray). I order them from a place called Dental Depot. I also use Thayers Dry Mouth Lozenges when I have to attend a long meeting at work and at church. I am almost 5 months out and can sleep 5 hours now without waking up with my tongue stuck to the top of my mouth. And yes I have a bottle of water with me almost always.


Age 57 SCC Stage3 BOT and 1 node PEG 35RADS
7CHEMOS Tx over 9-17-07 tube out 10-12-07 back to work 10-15-07.