Lolita. 2 things. You should never leave the doctor's office without understanding what he is telling you. Never. It is his responsibility to explain it to you in a manner that you will understand it. Don't worry about him thinking you are dumb, or whatever, you can't make good decisions unless you understand things, and he's the guy that is supposed to explain it to you, in plain English that you understand. But if you don't tell him that you don't understand, he isn't going to make any further attmpt to explain it in simpler terms.

Number two - you are asking people on this board how to stop your ear ache, which no one here can actually tell you. We are not doctors, but it stands to reason that if you took the pain medication that the doctor who does know how to stop it gave you - the pain would go away. Does this not seem logical to you?

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.