Hi everyone,
My dad is still in treatment, but we just figured out a good milkshake concoction that I thought I'd pass on.

1 can of Carnation VHC (560 cals.)
1 whole egg raw (~70 cals.)
1 raw egg white
whole milk (~50 cals.)
1 banana (~125 cals.)
pinch of baking soda
ice cream, if possible

Egg whites and baking soda are acid neutralizers and take out some of the sting of the Carnation VHC. He only has these shakes, because of the raw eggs, when his blood tests (neutrophils and white blood cells specifically) are normal. The bananas supply potassium and some added fiber and protein, in addition to flavor.

I hope this can help someone.


Stephanie -
Father (60yr., nonsmoker, social drinker) dx 6/18/07 w/ Stage4a SCC tonsil. Mets to 3 LN. Induct. chemo (taxol,carboplatin,erbitux) 6/28-8/14; Concurrent Chemo(cisplatin&erbitux) w/ IMRT x 44 8/20-10/2. Surgery to come.