Thanks everyone for all your responses. My husband feels a lot better doing this now. He, of course, would still rather not, but he knows it is for the best and we will know it is gone.

So far the tonsillectomy has been the worst part of the entire process for him. So if this is easier than that, he will be very happy. The radiation and chemo were not great, but he actually took Vicodin for the tonsillectomy, and never needed anything other than the Motrin and Excedrin for the radiation and chemo.

My only other question is, What do they do if one of the nodes shows positive. Would he need more chemo or radiation, or because it is out of there would he be fine. She is removing levels 2 through 4, and the suspicious node was in level 2.

The ENT doctor also told us he should only be in the hospital one or two nights, so we are hoping that is the case. I will try to prepare my 5 year-old son that his dad may look like Frankenstein, haha. The older kids are not worried.

Thanks again, we really appreciate all the info we have gotten here.

Sharon and Joe