Thanks for all the replies. Gary, I'm trying to track down the two types you mentioned, thank your wife for me please.

Dani, my doctors saw me in January when all this started. Said they didn't see anything that was worrisome to them. My lips will be red, will have some small blisters, but they eventually heal and feel like they're getting better. Then we will have a weather change, and boom, they're crazy acting again. What type of symptoms did your mom experience with her lips? I want to make sure I don't need to investigate this further.

SCC Left Mandible. Jaw replaced with bone from leg. Neck disection, 37 radiation treatments. Recurrence 8-28-07, stage 2, tongue. One third of tongue removed 10-4-07. 5-23-08 chemo started for tumor behind swallowing passage, Our good friend and much loved OCF member Minnie has been lost to the disease (RIP 10-29-08). We will all miss her greatly.