Hi, I had my six top teeth replaced yesterday with 6 crowns. Insurance does not cover any of it but it had to get done, very expensive! My teeth under 4 top veneers (veneers done pre-cancer)were very decayed, etc. The temp crowns look very nice I go back for real ones in two more treatments. I am still afraid to bite into anything and always take small pieces and chew on the right side (flap on left) and it has been over 3 years since surgery and radiation. My two cents worth. If any others have had crowns put in top front, let me know how they have held up. Thanks, Carol

Diagnosed May 2002 with Stage IV tongue cancer, two lymph nodes positive. Surgery to remove 1/2 tongue, neck dissection, 35 radiation treatments. 11/2007, diagnosed with cancer of soft palate, surgery 12/14/07, jaw split. 3/24/10, cancer on tongue behind flap, need petscan, surgery scheduled 4/16/10
---update passed away 8-27-11---